Happy Easter!

A little late, but you know what they say, better late than never! Hope your Easter was one of happiness, reflection, and family. Since I married Chip, I have really gotten into the spirit of each individual holiday; this includes decorations and doing my best to invite the festivity into our home...which can lead to compulsive visits to Robert's {craft store in Utah} and a never ending list of more crafts to make. All of which lead to the making of this:
and this...

that suddenly it becomes really easy to forget about the real meaning of Easter. It isn't about the bunny or candy, or beautiful and lacey pastel colored dresses and fancy dinners. It is about one extraordinary man's ability to conquer death so that you and I and everyone out there can be with those we love and cherish the most, together forever.

Hope your Easter was focused on the 3 most important things we can have: faith, family, and friends.


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