Book of Mormon Reading Chart

One of my resolutions this year is to really study the scriptures, above all, the Book of Mormon. After searching high and low for a printable reading chart and feeling disappointed with the blah and scarce options, I decided to create my own {not to say I think this is the most fabulous chart ever created...I just like that it has some color and designs to satisfy my girly appetite}. Next step is to figure out how to post it somewhere so that you, my lovely readers, may download it for personal use if you wish. If you have any ideas/suggestions as to how this can be done, let me know! I would love to share this with you all. Happy reading!

*For now, if you would like a copy, please leave a comment with your email address and I will forward you the PDF file :)

S N A P ! 2012

No, I'm not expressing a sudden realization that it is no longer 2011. 
What I am suddenly realizing is that I desperately want/need to attend this amazing conference. SNAP! is a craft and DIY social media conference that will be taking place this April here in Utah {} There are so many reasons why I would love to attend, but just to name a few:
* I would love to see Jess, even if it is just to say hello!
* Being surrounded by successful and positive people who want you to find success as well is very invigorating to me. A really good pep talk does wonders for my soul.
*As you can see from my frequency of posting, I need some pointers as to how to balance being an entrepreneur with the roles of mother, wife, friend, sister, daughter, etc.
* Simply, some "alone" time in the midst of hundreds of brilliant, strong, and creative women is always a treat.

So, have I convinced you yet of why I NEED to go?
 Last winter, my genius friend Jessica from Allora Handmade and The Queen Bee Market mentioned on her blog this upcoming conference...and it instantly was put on my wishlist for things to sign-up for. Well, here I am, almost a year later and still not registered and the money I was supposed to save and allocate for such sign-up is still lost somewhere in WishLand...{sigh}

One of these days I will be a completely recovered procrastinator. I promise. But in the meantime, some help sent my way would not only make my day but would be greatly appreciated.
Let the bribing begin.

Listen closely.
SNAP is giving away 3 tickets to this amazing conference...and you can help me be one of the winners. Starting Saturday, January 21st, the "linky" on the SNAP blog will be open for voting for a whole week. This means that you can go to the linky and vote for my entry! The top three entries that get the most votes will be selected and then a random winner will be chosen from those 3 lucky ducks. 

SO- as a way to thank you and coax you into voting for my entry, I will be giving a free mini-session OR 8x11 print {for those of you who don't live in Happy Valley} to a randomly selected participant if I win!. All you have to do is:
* go to the *LINKY* and vote for my entry beginning January 21 through January 27 
* come back and post a comment here stating that you did so
* if you get friends, family, other people you know to vote, you may comment for each person you "referred"...make sense?

Get voting and cross your fingers for me! :)

Sweetheart Promo

I don't know about you, but Valentine's Day tends to stress me out...just a little.
I can never think of the perfect gift for my sweetheart 
that really shows him how much I treasure his love
and value our relationship.
I think I may not be alone.

In my efforts to save the day for you, 
the Sweetheart Promo is back.
Give the timeless gift of photography!


Template Samples to choose from:


This little future beauty queen
is one of Kami's favorite friends...
and they are only days apart in age!
My hubby and her dad have been friends for a loooonggg time and
it is so much fun to see how 
our kids continue that circle of friendship.
Happy 2nd birthday Maddie!


Andrea & Christian

Andrea is Vicky's sister...{see previous posts}
Can you tell? They are both so beautiful...
I'm so excited for her and their upcoming nuptials.
You will make one adorable bride!
Congratulations Andrea and Christian!


Vanessa & Tania

There are some women who can just turn whatever is given to them, 
whether it be good or not so good, into something admirable. 
Tania is one of them. 
She is a single parent who works full-time
and manages to raise her cute little girl better than a lot of women out there. 
She manages to keep her daughter involved in school activities,
take her to ice skating lessons, go on exploring adventures every weekend (or so it seems!), 
volunteer at the temple, and be an involved member of society.
These girls are an amazing example and family. 


Heather & Gavin

These two are getting married...and they are super cute.
And photogenic. 
And in love. 
And perfect for each other. Obvious, right? 



Vicky is one of my oldest and dearest friends. 
She is one of the prettiest, sweetest, kindest girls that I know. 
{Did I mention she is single?}



I used to really dislike New Year's Eve up until a couple of years ago.
The whole hype about being at the perfect place with the perfect person 
wearing the perfect little dress and saying goodbye to the last 12 months... 
just wasn't appealing to me. 
But now I love it. 
I realize that the new year brings new beginnings, a clean slate; 
more opportunities to do what we fell short on and 
to learn and grow from the mistakes we made along the way. 
It provides another chance to appreciate the people around us, 
express our love to our family and loved ones, to embark on new adventures, 
take on daunting fears, accomplish goals, 
and turn dreams into reality
With this said, I have vowed to be more consistent with life...
which I hope that you will see apparent on this blog.
Without further ado, I leave you with a little preview of posts to come. 
This beautiful couple is getting married in March! 
They were so much fun to work with; can't wait to share the rest.
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